CTU Bible exploration: Just Economics
Tuesdays, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
What should the goal of the economy be? Why isn’t our current system enabling people to flourish, especially as the cost of living crisis bites? Could a change in approach help us solve the climate crisis? What does our Christian faith have to say about the economy?
“Just ECONOMICS” is a six-session small group course, opening up some of these questions and starting a conversation about how the economy might be re-shaped to enable the wellbeing of all people and the planet.
Suitable for individual or group study, this course is designed for people with no background in finance or economics. It is rooted in ideas found in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, and compares this with other thinking around money, poverty and wealth, leading us to examine our own attitudes to systems of worth and how our society could be changed for the better.
Upcoming themes are as follows:
26 September – Crisis
3 October – Enough
10 October – Growth
17 October – Value
24 October – Freedom
31 October – Change
The sessions will be held in the chapel at Christ Church on Tuesdays from 12.30pm – 1.30pm until 31 October. All are welcome to attend.
Contact: Louise George – secretary@churchestogether-uxbridge.com